Eric Zboya

Stephane Mallarme writes:

"In his posthumous Un Coup de dés Jamais N'Abolira le Hansard and Igitur Suite, Eric Zboya illustrates a unique source of poetics through his appropriation and transformation of Igitur (a text I wrote in 1869) into pure visual form. He manages this text-to-image conversion through 21st century computational processes.
"When observing this collection, one might argue that his transformation signals a death of the text, since the computer program he utilizes, and its internal algorithmic calculations, replaces my words with chromatic structures. However, this visual transformation is really a kind of transcendence from one textual lattice to another – a transcendence that enhances and redefines, and falls back to my own ideas of, what it means to read. Zboya shape-shifts through lexical, semantic, and structural boundaries into a new place that remains the poem - for we are always at one with the instrument of our magic spells."

Above: from Un Coup de dés Jamais N'Abolira le Hansard 

Below: from Igitur Suite (detail)
