ADVERTISEMENT / derek beaulieu

2017 I was invited by Jon Ståle Ritland to test-drive his 3D Poetry Editor … I immediately thought of Stéphane Mallarmé’s Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance). Mallarmé’s poem, when rendered, casts the text of the poem into the whirlpool, each phrase and line becomes shipwrecked on the shoals of a new three dimensional space. Much as Mallarmé’s used type size and visual composition to foreground new reading potentials, new phrasing, and a text which engages the entirety of the page – with the size of the typeface suggesting proximity in a 3-dimensional space replicated on a 2-dimensional plane – my version allows the very words to drift within the eddies and currents of the reader’s gaze. While the Youtube version of this composition is static in its execution, I recommend downloading the software to see the responsive, explorable, version… 

Check it out here:, an astonishing tool for poetry composition which leaves the limitations of the page for a new virtual space, just like Mallarmé's. 
