Marilyn R. Rosenberg

ACCEPT/DECLINE: 2005, one of a kind, 3 3/8"w x 6" h closed cover, one post binding. The bookwork is gouache washes and stenciled ink words - visual poetry; a bookwork that can open into a two sided circle of opposites.

6 WATER VOICES, 2002 -- a set of facing pages with individual names, each working alone and all together, can be a wall book of visual poetry: the poet remembers seeing the sound of the country stream/river/creek again in the city. Color was selected while thinking of both water and sound.

Marilyn Rosenthal Rosenberg

born in Philadelphia, PA, is second generation in the USA. She attended classes and workshops in painting, graphics, sculpture, a variety of other art, gender, history, literature, and religious studies, life drawing, advertising art, advertising publication, book and printing production (older style), and book arts and more, in a variety of schools, and has an MA in Liberal Studies from NYU. Dated from 1977 until today, is a body of work consisting of more than 600 titles that include visual poems, artists’ books, mail art, drawings, small press/chap books self published and published by others, unique sculptural bookworks, artists’ stamps, bookmarks, photos, paste on paper and computer collages and other works. Some are in editions, many are one of a kind pieces. Some were created with collaborators. Images of various book works, visual poems, and collages, appear in reviews, exhibition catalogs and reference publications, published on the web and in print. Works are exhibited and collected internationally.
